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Best Console MMORPGs Worth Playing In 2022

Jan-05-2022 PST

MMORPGs have always been the domain of the PC crowd, but with the addition of a PC-like architecture to the latest generations of consoles, these experiences begin to make a return to the living room. While consoles have not been without MMOs in their lives (Phantasy Star Online and Final Fantasy XI say "hello!"), Games like The Elder Scrolls Online and Black Desert have helped define what kind of experience console fans can expect. MMO mobile game forward platform. Here are the best MMORPG console games you can watch next time you’re looking for something to play while relaxing on the couch.

Star Trek Online

First released for the PC, Star Trek Online was one of the first MMO games to take a leap for the Xbox and PlayStation in 2016. Cryptic Studios brought the game to life by re-creating much of the console’s control charts and interface layout from scratch. An MMO that sits in the vast universe of Star Trek for home consoles.

The MMO sticks to the plots and traditions of the universe created by series and movies, and sometimes brings Actors from the series to vote for their characters in the game. If you’ve ever wanted to control your own Starfleet platform and explore new and exotic worlds - Star Trek Online is the place to start.


Another Cryptic Studios MMO, Neverwinter, takes players into the Dungeons & Dragons forgotten worlds environment. While not part of last year’s Neverwinter games, Neverwinter allows players to live their D&D fantasies in one of the most iconic places in role-playing history.

Another free-to-play game, the set of rules has recently been modified to match the latest version of D&D, 5th Edition. Cryptic is also continuing releases: the recent Ascent to Avernus campaign was released alongside the desktop version, and the studio recently released a campaign battle pass that allowed players to make the journey to end the dragon cult. If you’re looking for a way to jump into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, but want to skip the table, Neverwinter is a great place to start.

Final Fantasy XIV

Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an extended free trial, you can play in full A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no playing time restrictions.

With the exception of memes, Final Fantasy XIV is one of the largest MMORPGs on the market, and its latest add-on, Endwalker, has just released record player records. The MMORPG is the right blend of the old-fashioned tabloid-style fighting style of a bygone MMO, while beautifully combining the taste of the Final Fantasy main game JRPG. The popularity of this subscription-based MMORPG has grown thanks to this free trial period and its content in recent years. With no signs of slowing down in the studio, it progresses and climbs as its 8-year story arc draws to a close with exciting new stories not yet told.

DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online ranks in the world of DC comics and continues to be strong after its first release in 2011. When the entire DC Universe is a playground, players will meet iconic characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and villains such as the Legion of Death and Joker. Action battles are also great for consoles, making it one of the most accessible MMORPGs on the console - especially when it’s in some form on all major home consoles. Fortunately, players who want to get caught can do it too, because, in May 2021, all episodes were made free for all players, regardless of whether you chose the optional subscription.

Phantasy Star Online 2: The New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 was released on Xbox One a few years ago to create an almost global sensation here in the West. Although the MMO was old at the time, one of Japan’s most popular MMO games, officially supported on Xbox One, has been a treat for longtime fans of the series. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is a remastered version of an older MMO with an open world to explore in the console MMORPG. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis brings the MMO into the next generation with an updated character builder, improved graphics, and more. It's a free game!

The Elder Scrolls Online

One of the best MMORPGs on the market, The Elder Scrolls Online carries content year after year. Explore Tamriel’s familiar world, either alone or with friends, for thousands of years before the main role-playing games in the Elder Scrolls series became obsolete. In a progression system where players ascend to a level when you use a weapon or item, there seem to be limitless ways to build your perfect character.

Do you imagine yourself as heavy armor and wand using a wizard who can also raise the dead? you can do it. Want to use a two-handed sword when casting a spell? Go for it. The fact that almost any content can be played regardless of your level makes ESO one of the most accessible MMORPGs on the market. And with each new chapter (what ESO calls extensions), you don’t have to feel like you have to catch up - instead, you can jump to new content right away. The Elder Scrolls Online is an MMORPG that you can purchase to play with an optional subscription, but with hundreds of hours of content, there’s always plenty to do.

These games are worth playing in 2022. As a professional gaming platform, MMOtank will provide you with coins, equipment, accounts, and power leveling products for the above games to ensure safety, speed, and legality.