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Wastelanders pulled me back to the Fallout 76

Apr-19-2020 PST

Fallout 76 was about launched, but subsequent game updates that put pressure on the game servers. While society is doing its best to keep the game alive by playing roles and events, traditional MMO additions, such as new combat attacks, have fallen. Bethesda had hoped to address these issues with Wastelanders, an update that promised to fix human NPCs. I've spent 20 hours with the new content released today, and I can say Fallout 76 is more fun now.

In fact, the game can now be sustainable. Fallout 76 hammered tricky areas and Bethesda was able to refine the experience. If the player finds something interesting or interesting in Fallout 76, such as building a world or politics, he is at the forefront. There are still some basic flaws here, but Wastelanders have completed the difficult task of forcing me to reinvest in a game that led to her being welcomed.

How it works

Wastelanders takes place a year after Fallout 76, bringing the Fallout franchise back to the Fallout 3 and New Vegas era of conversation design. I can bring my soulmate two people together from all over the arid land, meet people in the world and browse social situations through dialogue trees. Dialogue tests based on special statistics - positive and negative - are back.

You won't find the same depth here as a game like New Vegas. Instead, the game introduced story areas reminiscent of Star Wars: The Old Republic. When I'm in one of these areas everything is fair game and the gameplay gets a bit more organic. When I walked into a bar and saw a man steal the place, my first reaction was pulling and sticking the key blade. Later meetings showed that I could have spoken, intimidated, or dug up to get information. Most quests work this way; the game gives me multiple options to tackle any problem.

"In addition to the story, there is a group of people - we call them residents - who fill the countryside," Jeff Gardiner, project manager at Fallout 76, said in an interview with Polygon. "They have a new dialogue and new interactions, so they now get a lot more out of the Fallout 3 quality experience."

There are four main parts of the content, the first of which is the "start" story around Wayward, a new tape that has emerged and is problematic. Players will also receive matching search strings, two major factions of settlers and invaders. The new content doesn't work as a tutorial, but it starts some new search strings for people to enjoy.

The whole looks more character-oriented, with new hostile factions and story-based storytelling elements. Some theories, such as the idea that the entire game is a giant Vault-Tec simulation, should remain mysterious. But other Memetic elements, such as Mothman scholars, have been in the game for a long time now as a wink and a gesture to fans.

Post-launch plans

Wastelanders don't feel like an all-encompassing solution along the lines of No Man's Sky Next, as a major upgrade refreshes the base experience from top to bottom; instead it gets a little bit bigger. Companions are there, but future updates will make them customizable paper dolls that can be worn and changed to look unique from CAMP to CAMP. Whenever I ask about future plans, developers are immediately alerted - there's a lot more to do with it, Bethesda says, and new tools to make everything happen in the bowl too. This expansion is crucial and we can expect more in the same direction over time.

"We knew we had a lot of companions, so we wanted to make them as interesting and interesting as possible. Gardiner says, the fewer your comrades in the game, the more you have to swing around the gates. Currently, the companions are hanging out in the camp of the player; players can A custom item associated with a specific companion for one Hangout at a time. They sleep in the family, chat and are friendly visitors who assign missions to players to complete in Appalachia.

With these improvements in mind, the question arises: Is Wastelanders intended to be a reward for players who have continued the tournament, or something to bring in new players?

"I'd like to say both. I know this is a cliché answer, but we want this game to appeal to people who love us to tell our stories. We took a lot of that from the world that we built, so we want these people to be thrown, "said Verit Bowdoin, chief designer for Fallout 76. A second look. But of course the fans who stayed with us are the most wonderful people. "

I was someone who rage-quit Fallout 76 after sticking with it for months. I was ready for the game to burn me again this time, too. But Wastelanders won me over. It’s less the content that’s there, and more what it represents — this is a confident, strongly executed new path that allows Fallout 76 to be a well-supported online game rather than a series of floundering experiments. I’m back on the Fallout 76 train, ready to see where this weird game heads next. Welcome to MMOtank for more news about fallout 76.