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The RuneScape Awesome April event begins with Skilling Week

Apr-14-2021 PST

Most recently, the MMORPG RuneScape has suffered the biggest server problem in its 20-year history. Several players found themselves trapped in their accounts for more than a month while developer Jagex was constantly working to fix the problems. Now that these accounts have been successfully restored, Jagex is running a new RuneScape event celebrating Awesome April.

Throughout April, all RuneScape players can take advantage of certain benefits and rewards. Every week, different aspects of RuneScape are improved. The first week that started today is Skill Week. From April 12 to April 19. All combination skills gain 50% more experience. This includes RuneScape’s latest archaeological skills, which were only released last year.

What comes to? April is a big month for RuneScape players. Skill Week is a great opportunity to solve some of the slowest RuneScape skills. Tree search, fishing and divination are all good options for players who want to make the most of the week.

Moving on to next week, RuneScape’s second big event in April is Combat Week. For many players, this is probably the most interesting part of the action. During Battle Week, all players receive Double Reaper Points, Killer Points, and Battle Experience Points. In addition, the cost of death is greatly reduced. These benefits make Fight Week a great opportunity to learn a new boss.

The final week focuses on distractions and distractions. This includes various mini-game rewards, daily newspapers, recoding, VisWax and player-owned ports. The exact details of how each D&D is affected are currently unknown.

Even after special weeks, Awesome April offers the last surprise for RuneScape players. But we don’t know much about the end result. According to Jagex, each player will be given a "special wish" at the end of April. It would be interesting to see what that means, but so far we can only speculate. 

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